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[Amduscias] New releases 5-12-08

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
Click the catalog number to go to download.


Composing, Keyboards, Vocals, by DimmeR

Guitar, Bass by Zillion

Recording & Mixing From February 2008 to March 2008 by DimmeR.

[AMR131] NaHaN - Overdose


Blind Owl Was Founded By Arang On March 2008, After Few Days Dimmer (The Founder Of Xerxes,
Nahan & Nyctalllz) Joined The Band And Started To Compose Some Dark Ambient Music.
The Name Taken From The Darkest And Famous Book Of "Sadeq Hedayat", The Most Dejected
& Rejected Iranian Writer. After Two Months Blind Owl Done A Demo BY The Name "For My Shadow..."
By The Total 42 Minuets time. This Demo Includes 7 Tracks That Produced By Dimmer.
On Early April 2008 Arang Done The Vocal Parts And Dimmer Done The Mastering & Mixing.

[AMR132] Blind Owl - For My Shadow...(Demo)


[AMR133] NAZAZEL - Cerement Of Sump 7" Single

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