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Amduscias Records NEW releases 8-11-2008

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
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After a long and procrastinated delay, Apoteg's self-titled debut has finally been rounded up and readied for release. During the making of this album Apoteg has ventured deeper into the inexplicable realms of noise and ambient which did produce a lot of material, but drove him too far from his original goal, to mix accessible industrial beat influences with less obvious and harsher genres like drone, noise and dark ambient.
While they all eventually went hand-in-hand during the writing process, a special type of inspiration came from the deathly slow rhythms and anti-melodies found in funeral metal. While it will not appear constantly in all tracks, Apoteg has attempted to recreate this 'funeral' feeling in a prominently electronic manner.
And even though guitars are included in some tracks, it's not the main focus or lead instrument of the music.
The album closes off with 3 tracks clocking over 10 minutes, containing elements of material written that was unsuitable for this release but will appear separately in the future. These 3 tracks are just an indication of things to come.

[AMR154] Apoteg - Apoteg


The second part of epic dilogy UrbaniZmatic.
The whole release is consists of the big composition Epic Harsh Noise only mp3 with 56Kbps
Total time 66:53.

[AMR155] Evgenij V. KHARITONOV - UrbaniZmatic 2 - DEAD OF POP CULTURE

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