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[ANGSTPRODLP09] Pcell - Argos Rhô out now!!!!

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
HI Dogmazik!

ANGSTPROD has upped the first full length from PCELL entitled ANGSTPRODLP09 Argos Rhô, first Album available on Angstprod. 8 Trax, downtempo, idm, ambient experimental.

The release provides the bandwidth heavy from the new Angstprod Server only.
Download it and have fun !




  • hey angstprod! looong time, nice comeback. downloading right now. (and what about angstprod presence here, tell us...?)
    arggf, sound of distance, 1st one, begins with a - copyrihgted or am i wrong? - superb though - sample.. ? yet superb track it is.

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