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succulent appel a projet make art

super idée de création peerTOpeer en vrai, goto10 est motivé, je trouve cette idée fort cool. Ca rejoins des these que j'aime bien sur le modèle de production peer to peer, comme M. Bauwens le promeut. J'aimerais pouvoir dire que je vais y participer mais ça m'étonnerais, quoique. Vous autres dans les contrées la haut ?

OOps c'est en anglich...

(je copieViole la mailling list des poitevins)
(sorry for x-posting)

forthcoming 'make art' workshop announced!
more about make art 2010 festival very soon!

Call for participation
Workshop "Peer to peer design strategies"
by Emanuele Bonetti (Italy)
3, 4 and 5 November 2010, 9:30-12:30 14:00-18:00
Poitiers, France | make art 2010 | "In-between design"

max 6 participants

During the workshop participants will be asked to complete a design commission using an alternative peer-to-peer collaboration method.

The aim of the workshop is to complete one finished work of graphic design that all the participants find satisfying. This workshop serves as a test case and experiment to show that peer-to-peer design methodologies can serve as a serious alternative to traditional, hierarchical design project work flow.

The workshop is open to everyone with a maximum of six participants.
Participation is recommended for all the three days but participants can also choose to attend only one or two days.
The work produced during the first day will be carried on by the participants of the second say and so on.

During the workshop participants can use the graphic design software which they are the more familiar with as long as they are free/open source software, together with a set of self-written Internet applications developed for this project.


1st day - Wednesday November 3rd
9h30-12h30 | 14h-18h*
Introduction to the tools and installation.
Discussion about the design brief.
Gathering of ideas and inspirational material.
Definition of the main idea to be communicated with the final design.

2nd day - Thursday November 4th
9h30-12h30 | 14h-18h*
Introduction to the tools and installation.
Individual research on possible visual languages for the final design.
Collective discussion over the individual proposals.
Definition of the visual guidelines - Colors, typefaces and visual language: How the final product will look like

3dd day - Friday November 5th
9h30-12h30 | 14h-18h**
Introduction to the tools and installation.
Individual implementations of the given guidelines.
Collective discussion over the individual proposals.
Practical realization of the final product.

Required hardware: bring your laptop
Entrance fee: 45€ / 3 days (or 20€ / day)
Meals: +6€ / meal
Language: English
Location: GOTO10, 22 rue Thibaudeau, 86000 Poitiers, France
Registrations: Please send before *26 October* at workshop-makeart2010@goto10.org a few lines to explain your motivations to attend the workshop, specify which day(s) you would like to attend and your operating system.


more on http://makeart.goto10.org soon...


* The time will be divided in two phases:
- an individual phase where the participants will work on the project on their own
- and a group phase where the participants will find a common line to move on.

** The time will be divided in individual and collective phases but it might not follow the same structure of the two days before.

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