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TRIGGER the fire throws + CYRIL BONDI & PHONOTOPY komats

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
two new releases on INSUBORDINATIONS,

[insubcd05] TRIGGER the fire throws
Chris Heenan: contrabass clarinet
Matthias Müller: trombone
Nils Ostendorf: trumpet

The Berlin-based improvising wind trio Trigger (Chris Heenan, Matthias Müller, Nils Ostendorf) was formed in 2009 and works on creating a unitary sound of discrete sonic layers. Through the use of multiphonics, circular breathing, and other extended techniques, Trigger forges a music of gradual depth with sudden shifts in texture and mood. The current direction of the trio is long continuous masses of sound and utilizing site-specific resonances of performance spaces.

250 ldt cd edtion + free mp3/flac http://www.insubordinations.net/releasescd05.html

[insubcd06] CYRIL BONDI & PHONOTOPY komatsu
Cyril Bondi: floortom, objects
Phonotopy: cracked electronics

An electronic/percussion versus, acoustic glitches and digital chants, textures layering in an intense monothematic soundscape.
Cyril Bondi is involved since many years into active improvisation, as a member of diatribes among others and co-founder of theInsub Meta Orchestra, he's multiplying collaborations and projects with his particular approach to be a drummer
Yann Leguay aka Phonotopy, is focused on everything around solid memory and sound materiality: from installations to the performance , passing by music and records edition (ArtKillArt , Phonotopy, Consumer Waste). By transforming hard-drive in a 7200 RPM turntable, he offers an update of turntablism.

300 ldt cd edtion + free mp3/flac http://www.insubordinations.net/releasescd06.html

+ still super fresh
[insubcd04] INSUB META ORCHESTRA archive #1


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