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Do you download music in the internet?

novembre -1 modifié dans interesting links and articles
sorry, if this is not interesting for you, but i want to discuss the problem of free music in the internet.

there are many sites where you can
download music
You don't have to pay for it because you can find free music downloads
there is a kind of war between singers that don't like free-online-music
and people that doesn't want to pay and looks for free mp3 music download

i think that music must be almost free because lot's of people just can't afford buing music and they try to download music for free.

may be not every music download must be free
i can't imagine one who looks for free piano music. if it is really qualitive it may cost money...

but if you download pop music you should not pay

so what is your opinion on this subject?
do you download online music.

(I've edited out the links as "there's nothing interesting in there")


  • Waw! It's lucky you wrote that last sentence, I was thinking you were trying to advertise for a search engine...

    For your information, here on this very site, we don't endorse in any ways illegal downloads.
    Copyrighted music is sold as you said on many commercial sites and SHOULD be paid for, if that's what you are looking for.
    On the othe other hand we strongly disagree with how the "traditional" music business is being run.
    I'd like to bring to your attention, that "free" music doesnt' mean that there can never be any economical scheme involved. "Free" music just mean that the artists have the freedom to chose which way their music is broadcasted, what rights is attributed to their audience.
    Many labels releasing their music under free licenses are actually selling hard copies CDs while giving away mp3 for free, and if you like and want to support artists, you should buy their records.
    Some other artists simply give away their music so to share it with the world.
    The fact that music costs money is not related to quality, but to attitude. I invite you to browse this site and you'll see that you can find music that can rival with some standard industry "products".
    Music under free licenses is more about flexibility and freedom of choice than being free of charge (although it can be the case most of the time).

    Hope this has helped
  • a mon avis ce monsieur essai d'augementer son Google Rank en créant des liens vers son site
    Son message en plus d'être totalement creux me parait très vide et dénué de matière (ai -je précisé que cela me parraissait plat ? )
    Bref moi je virerais
  • Oui je me suis fait la même reflexion, mais je me suis dit qu'il manquait un petit texte explicatif comme ça en anglais...Donc il est là au cas où...mais peut être faudrait il en effet virer ce post?
    J'ai viré les liens... :wink:

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