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pour "debianeux" : MPD: The Music Player Daemon
March 14th's Debian package of the day: MPD: The Music Player Daemon:
"Music Player Daemon is a server that plays sound files and streams and can be controlled through remote clients. MPD supports Ogg-Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Wave and AIFF for sound files and Ogg-Vorbis and MP3 for streams. Also has support for cross-fade.
MPD is a very flexible media player due to it’s client/server nature. MPD can be configured to use your sound card or interact with an icecast server and send the stream over the network. It can be controlled with clients that may reside on the same machine or all over the network."
en lire plus avec de vrais bouts de code config dedans ;^P
"Music Player Daemon is a server that plays sound files and streams and can be controlled through remote clients. MPD supports Ogg-Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, Wave and AIFF for sound files and Ogg-Vorbis and MP3 for streams. Also has support for cross-fade.
MPD is a very flexible media player due to it’s client/server nature. MPD can be configured to use your sound card or interact with an icecast server and send the stream over the network. It can be controlled with clients that may reside on the same machine or all over the network."
en lire plus avec de vrais bouts de code config dedans ;^P
(oui les antibox vont pas tarder à débarquer, publication du code commenté de la doc étouétou... ça viens, ça viens)
Jusque là j'étais très music123, mais il va falloir voir.
Et je viens de vérifier il existe pour Debian AMD64 SID.