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[LCL08] Bo Marley + Disrupt + Volfoniq = Jam'in Sauce !

novembre -1 modifié dans !I've done it myself!
Latest release on LCL rec. : "JAM'in SAUCE" (LCL08)


Feat. Bo Marley, Disrupt & Vofloniq.
3 tracks 100% dub improvisation !

South of France, Languedoc, june 2007. Three music bands take a well deserved rest right after the “Dub en sauce” festival.
But heat, wine and good cooking soon transform the vacation house into an artistic residence!
Result: several jam sessions emerged from this unrehearsed musical collaboration.
We have selected three of them, in order to share with you these moments tastily improvised by Bo Marley, Disrupt and Volfoniq.

Bon apétit !

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