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[insub23/objx01]KARST ft ABSTRAL COMPOST

novembre -1 modifié dans Projets Musique Libre
[insub23/objx01]KARST ft ABSTRAL COMPOST

*free improvisation+sound poetry*
délicate frénésie.
poésie sonore.
poésie des sons.
impacts des mots.
discour des impacts.
delicate frenzy.
sound poetry.
poetry of the sounds.
impacts of the words.
discour of the impacts.

Cyril Bondi : drums, percussions, objects
d'incise : objects, anti-percussions, a little bit of laptop yet
Abstral Compost : voice, texts, loops

+download+ (49 min 10 / VBR mp3+cover / 96Mo)

27 numbered pieces of wood have been edited as [objx01] in parallel of this release.

CC by-nc-nd, please copy, share, burn, p2p...


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