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Amduscias Records NEW releases 6-16-2008

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
Click the catalog number to go to download.


This project was born in the center of Europe, in Belarus, in the city of Minsk in my “Chemical” laboratory in 2008.
Names of most tracks don’t have sense. I think Up theM.
The main idea if this project is to help people imagine their owN horror FilM word or picture with the help of this music.
Dj DeD MoRoZ (Ananich Den)and E.Dem (Alena Demidovich) are composers. MAKAR (Makarov Sergey) is our Designer.
May be somebody while listen this project imaging…and than create a new mystic horror film…
YYYYYYyyyyyyyy…….I Don’t Believe…I Know!

[AMR139] Dj DeD MoRoZ - I Don't Believe I Know

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