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Public Domain - term of copyright in sound recordings.

novembre -1 modifié dans Economie de la musique
Veille : Merci Aisyk

Find below a proposal to act concerns against the extention of public domain in EU

Dear Sound Copyright petitioner,

The European Parliament is set to vote on whether to double the term of copyright in sound recordings. Sound Copyright invites you to register your concern at an event on the proposed Term Extension Directive, on Tuesday 27 January 2009 in the European Parliament in Brussels:


This flawed Directive has been unanimously condemned by Europe's leading intellectual property research centres. The European Parliament must address the mounting concerns of consumer groups and copyright users if they want a modern, workable intellectual property policy. Please, if you can, come to Brussels and register your concern. If you can't make it, please invite your MEP to attend on your behalf.

Looking forward to seeing you in Brussels,

Becky Hogge
Executive Director, Open Rights Group

===Sound Copyright News===

How you can help the campaign:

1) Come to an event on 27 January in the European Parliament in Brussels to hear academics, musicians and activists discuss the Directive with a roundtable of MEPs

2) Invite your MEP to attend the 27 January event on your behalf (you can get their contact details here: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members.do)

3) Invite your MEP to sign the Sound Copyright petition

4) Ask your MEP to watch the Open Rights Group's cartoon "How copyright term extension in Sound Recordings actually works"

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