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Aide Auditive + Duo-THAM

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
..:: New Release ::..

New Album released on DoPorto netlabel with Miosine : Live at Pit Noack's Flat.
Download it at : http://editoradoporto.blogspot.com/search/label/Aide Auditive

..:: New Band and Release ::..

New Matohawk's duet and new release : Duo-THAM with Anton Mobin
Intantanée #1 - H.A.K Lo-Fi record
Download it at : http://www.archive.org/details/HAK183

..:: More Infos ::..

Duo-THAM : http://duo-tham.blogspot.com/
Miosine : http://www.myspace.com/omnimars13
H.A.K : http://h.a.k.free.fr
Do Porto : http://doporto.pt.to/
Anton Mobin : http://audioblog.arteradio.com/ANTON_MOBIN

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