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[S27-017] Nick R 61 - (+zabl zochn abys tsnc.sn)

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
[S27-017] Nick R 61 - +zabl zochn abys tsnc.sn ,oct ab1102s==d 0i 0l zb= 2ol ,oc zao ,oc =a02sr+
(IDM, Ambient, Brokenbeat, Noise, Experimental)

Debut Section 27 release from Nick R 61, this 10 tracker is one eclectic mix of genres. We are greeted by some lo-fi noise and ambience which creates a nice settled feeling. Suddenly from nowhere this monstrous crashing explosion assaults the listener like a drill to the face. We were scared and thrilled at the same time when we first heard that here at Section 27... ;) After the tinnitus clears from our ears the stunning "Sy Te Kalter" reassures us with its female mantra that all is fine but not to get too comfortable. "Ka pu ej.ra" fuses elements of dub with beats that sound just like The Crystal Method, not a bad thing we say! "Tutte le parole sono in bocca" sounds like Team Doyobi gone haywire. Furious beats fused with beatboxing that cascade into timestretched drums and paranoid strings.

We could tell you more but we wouldn't want to spoil it for you. A masterful production from Nick R 61 that spans many genres. Ever evolving, and drags you along for one hell of a ride. This will scare the crap out of you but leave you smiling like a lunatic at the same time. Which can't be a bad thing right?

01. În aşteptarea dentist [4:16]
02. Sy te kalter [2:45]
03. Ka.pu'ej.ra [3:13]
04. Tutte le parole sono in bocca [0:52]
05. Hot jäätelö [3:55]
06. ET nгo acredita nas pessoas [3:44]
07. Vejateryan öpücük [4:08]
08. Hola! Adiós! [1:21]
09. La vie n'a pas de retour. Il est décédé de tumeurs cérébrales... [4:17]
10. ''The shortest track in the world'' [0:00]

INFO - http://www.archive.org/details/s27-017NickR61-zablZochnAbysTsncSn....
DOWNLOAD - http://www.archive.org/download/s27-017NickR61-zablZochnAbysTsncSn..../s27-017NickR61-zablZochnAbysTsncSn...._vbr_mp3.zip'

NICK R 61 E-mail: ru_extreme_nick@rambler.ru
SECTION 27 E-mail: drop_acid_not_bombs27@hotmail.co.uk

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