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[S27-030] Min-Y-Llan : Dark Days

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
We are fast approaching the last days of 2009, so what better way to celebrate than this release from Welshman "Min-Y-Llan" who offers us this collection of atmospheric ambient pieces, the melodies within are dark and cavernous, being the perfect listening for the walk home on a frozen winters evening. Each track has a very melancholic feel as if looking towards a future that isn't as bright as we hope for, but nevertheless are powerless to escape. Recommended for fans of Orbital, Stars Of The Lid, Brian Eno and Aphex Twin.

Dark Days now available for free HiQuality download. To preview and grab a copy, visit:


01 - Painting Doors [3:54]
02 - The King Is Dead [5:36]
03 - Stitches Out [5:02]
04 - Timeframe [4:28]
05 - Night With Whiskey [5:42]
06 - Feeling Something Emotional [1:40]
07 - Mowing Lawns [4:42]
08 - Sunday Morning 5.34 [3:18]


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