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Necktar 2017 Volume 2

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases



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Qu'est ce que Necktar 2017 ?

Un simple voyage à travers le temps,
le grand oeuvre d'anachroniques alchimistes,
ou le rucher d'un cercle de précognitifs...

Difficile de définir Necktar 2017,
tant que le premier cycle n'est pas achevé.

Actuellement sa forme est celle d'une compilation
de musique hors norme en libre diffusion,
articulée en plusieurs épisodes thématiques.

Pour savoir ce qu'il sera au final,
à moins de pouvoir voyager à travers le temps,
il faudra attendre 2017.

Le Volume 2 a pour thématique
Aléatoire /Perception / Réalitées : Reproduction.

What is Necktar 2017 ?

The set of themes of volume 2 is
Random / Perception / Cycles : Reproduction.

A mere journey through time,
the great work of anachronistic alchemists,
the apiary of a network of precognitifs...

Difficult to define Necktar 2017,
till the first cycle is not achieved.

Currently it is a compilation
of hors norme (not normal) music for free sharing,
articulated in several thematic episodes.

For know what it will be ultimately,
unless we can travel through time,
it won't be until 2017.

Here is the full track listening.

01.Chromatic (feat Allen Ginsberg & PantyChrist) - In Back Of The Real
02.Die puppe and Ales - OG M
03.Gas Anorex - Hybrides
04.Adrian Carter - Take Nothing Leave Nothing
05.The Dielectric - Flight
06.Angel self destruct - Anomaly
07.Say 'Kiss Me' - Unmaterial
08.Parrhesia Sound System (feat PantyChrist) - Russkaya Ruletka
09.Le Syndicat - Propagation
11.Ethnomite Pux - Kashmir12csz
13.Le Syndicat - Cable
14.HIV+ - Electro magnetic pulse
15.Millefeuille - La Voix de l'Homme
16.Taner Tumkaya - Damn
17.Audioviruses - Ghost from the darkness satan and the scientist
18.Thee Virginal Brides - From The Morgue With Love
19.The Montreal Nintendo Orkestar - The Great Origami Lobster
20.Tone poem - Time Lapse
21.Zmg + Saynal - Origins
22.dead.circuit - Waking Up
23.Subversive Intentions - permanentpress
24.Anton Mobin - Reproduction cyclique
25.Ben Presto - Reproduction
26.Anton Mobin - Perception Aléatoire
27.Emperor of the dust mites - Gub
28.Dvx Bellorvm - Instinct
29.HellAcimoy - 090907
30.Slug bait - The Hills
31.Mr Fuckhead - Upheaval
32.Fmuk Tinnitus - Les Canons De L'Islam
33.M.NOMIZED - Om Illumination Parts 1-2
34.MUTATE - The End of Bees (excerpt)
35.Odeama - Needleneck
36.Michel TITIN-SCHNAIDER - Ambitus, pour piano virtuel
37.Merankorii - Intimae
38.Susan Matthews - Decoyed
39.Intraktive - Noval
40.Micusnule - marvivo
41.Say 'Kiss Me' - Prune
42.Die puppe (Nikolaï Ada's Remix) - Wonderland
43.Rada & Ternovnik - Fly Away (live)
44.TSIDMZ feat Rose Rovine e Amanti - Ota Benga Pt.2 Versione alternativa
45.dead.circuit - Random Perceptions in Cycles
46.Fear and Aghast - Repressive sick thoughts
47.Fmuk Tinnitus - Acouphène 0004
48.Dvx Bellorvm - Anakim the watcher
49.Lark Blames - August
50.DYBITCOTGV? - Dans Chaque Proton, Dans Chaque Neutron, Une Autre Danse
51.Lloyd James - Pressures
52.Millefeuille - Un Vide
53.ARDLEG - LeMondeCommeJeSuis
54.Glaciate - Transitory (latest version)
55.Joli-joli - I retrieved ! Yourself !
56.Mike Meanstreetz - Hell on Earth GOOD WILL TO MEN
57.ARDLEG - SonOfTheSun
58.ZAZ ZETOUN MIND - Huytchimeya g horrm
59.ARDLEG - Rod Man
60.Drepdem - Liv
61.ARDLEG - (P)Reception
62.Drepdem - I Extract With Causion
63.Vardoger Derelict - Nightmares of Stockholm
64.Vardoger Derelict - The Revenants Epitaph
65.Mike Meanstreetz - How free FOREVER
67.Taner Tumkaya - god
68.Cezary Gapik - #0421
69.Taner Tumkaya - it
70.The Ghost Between The Strings - Underwater procession
71.Fear and Aghast - Thoughts flowing through nothingness
72.Cut-Up - Underground Mockery
73.Sylvain Duigou - Feed
74.Cut-Up - Strenght in Solitude
75.Die puppe - Astronomy
76.Say 'Kiss Me' - Duality
77.A.n.K.h // - H.I.V // I.V.G
78.Adrian Carter - Deka (RSVP's Ripped And Raw Remix)
79.M.NOMIZED - Smok Machine
80.Ethnomite Pux - Witch
81.Parrhesia Sound System (feat PantyChrist) - VERMIFLUX [Pink Feather VURT]
82.M.NOMIZED - Skill Of Loop (featuring Timothy Leary)
83.Parrhesia Sound System (feat PantyChrist) - Indigo Emerald Turntable [Rainbow Feather VURT]
84.Otto von Rhinau - Otto Live in Barca
85.Stray Dog City - Heatwave (live)
86.Planetaldol - Bullous corpse
87.Joli-joli - Words
88.Turmoil - Binary Fission
89.Terminal - Black Dreams
90.MUTATE - Trapped
91.L.I.M - Walled In A Hollow Pillgrim
92.micusnule - parade nuptiale
93.Hector Nickel - Drunk Tango


  • :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Amazing :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    Thanks for this fantastic trip

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