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[S27-036] Min-Y-Llan : The Black Lagoon

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
[S27-036] Min-Y-Llan : The Black Lagoon
(IDM, Glitch, Ambient)

Download release here

Following the remarkable "Dark Days" release, Min-Y-Llan delivers this very textured work, "The Black Lagoon". Mechanically splintered beats, warm pads and overall solid tracks, this album looks through its rose-tinted glasses to the peak of "IDM" in the early 2000's and brings it to 2010. For fans of Brian Eno, Stars Of The Lid, Aphex Twin etc. Enjoy!


01 - Thoughts From The Dark Side
02 - Rwy'n dy garu di
03 - Its Time Something Happened
04 - Refinery Lights
05 - Black Lagoon
06 - Late Night Dark City
07 - Lark1999
08 - Sectioned37
09 - Enter The Harp
10 - Rose-Tinted Glasses
11 - After The Snow Has Gone
12 - Nitram Bolt72



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