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[MIXG007] PiXtar - Moon 5

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases

For you listening pleasure we have released a mini album from PiXtaR. This author started to take an interest in experimental music in 1997. He developed as a musician under the influence of such music collectives as “Future Sound Of London”, “Orb” and “Yello”. Compositions from this release have different moods which are filled with details and traits forming altogether a very interesting sound. Your invited to hear a story consisting of well thought-out rhythm sections and dynamic travels. This entire audio portrait rivets the listener’s attention and makes them want to take a closer look into this new sound environment. Diversity in the music is accompanied by accuracy, derived from the creative ideas of the author’s mind and well implemented as music pieces. The release is a must-hear for all IDM connoisseurs.

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