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[MIXG011] Bear And Lampshade – Siddhartha

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases

Let us tell you something about ‘Music for everyone’. It’s 21st century now, which means there is no music for everyone. Michael Jackson’s death could be also considered as an official death certificate of ‘Music for everyone’. Nothing can be marked with this label today. But if you ask us about potential target group for this release, we would answer that it’s for people who still looks for some catchy melodies with a proper combination of old- and newschool electronic arrangements. So if you’re the one who always ready to browse and listen to hundreds of tracks to find a personal brilliant, this EP could be your personal brilliant!

Meet Bear and Lamshade. A contemporary American group of extremely talented musicians founded by Robert Neubauer in 2009. Just one year of running through the jungle of modern electronic music, but on a pro level for sure! Siddhartha EP is a properly mixed cocktail of breakcore, maybe a little bit of hardcore, some IDM, industrial and oldschool electronic music pieces. Jazzy pianos, electric guitars and even choirs are also included to create a really delicious taste. Actually we can guarantee that this album will stuck in one’s audioplayer for quite a while.

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