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[FbL006] landrecorder - morning-afternoon-evening

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases

LISTEN & DOWNLOAD HERE: http://feedbacklooplabel.blogspot.com/2010/08/fbl006-landrecorder-morning-afternoon.html

Landrecorder announces the importance of framing in his technique at the album's outset, when "Morning" begins with an acoustic guitar part on repeat, as if a needle has been set down more than once at the same place on an old piece of vinyl. A similar sense of nostalgia is infused in all three tracks, from the mournful harmonica on "Morning" to the distant chatter of children on "Afternoon," to the way the sound of a car driving past brings "Evening" (and, hence, the full set) to a close.

This compositional technique mirrors the process of memory, things combined in unlikely combinations, and in unlikely proportions: sometimes warped, sometimes laid bare. And both approaches, in Landrecorder's hands, lead to tantalizing results.

Marc Weidenbaum


  • Marc,

    thanks for these new realase of your opened music; Don't hesite to enable peaple to dowlnoad directly from dogmazic archives. I did'nt find you on it.
    sincerely yours

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