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make art, 4-7 november, POITIERS

festival of free art and technologies
Exhibition | Concerts | Lectures | Workshop

« in-between design: rediscovering collaboration in digital art »

make art is an international festival dedicated to free/libre arts and technologies, distributed digital artworks and net art. The sixth edition of make art focuses on works halfway between art and design, collaborative, scalable and participative methods. The adventure "in-between design" begins here, to be imagined in this creative development, where everyone can participate and where artwork keeps on evolving. Are these projects just curiosities or a real alternative to the graphic conformism ruled by an industry that dictates its aesthetic codes? Please come and join us to answer this question...

with Awkward Family Photos (Greece), Marije Baalman (Netherlands), Emanuele
Bonetti (Italy), Loredana Bontempi (Italy), Vito Campanelli (Italy), Benjamin
Cadon (France), Calcyum (France), Alberto de Campo (Austria), Andrés Colubri
(Argentina), ginger coons (Canada), Dorothé Depeauw (Belgium), Luc Döbereiner
(Germany), LAFKON (Germany), Aditya Mandayam (India), Xavi Manzanares (Spain),
Oscar Martin (Spain), Gabriel Menotti (Brazil), Yota Morimoto (Japan), Jaime
Oliver (Peru), Open Source Publishing (Belgium), Evan Raskob (United States),
<stdin> (France), Dan Stowell (Great-Britain), Daniel Temkin (United States),
Dave Young (Ireland), Simon Yuill (Great-Britain).

Detailed program available at:

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