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[MIXG016] Th.e n.d – Metaphors

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases

Welcome our special guest from Berlin Norman Dauskardt who choose not very pronounceable alias Th.e n.d. Norman is not an absolute newcomer on netaudio scene. He has already contributed Schizophrenic Birth EP – a symbiosis of electronic beats and acoustics instruments. And he continues with ‘Metaphors’ EP which is proudly presented to you by us Mixgalaxy Records. The listener is taken into the vast diversity of sounds and tunes, to explore the various possibilities of modern music composition. Starting with frosty electronic vibes in ‘The Bane of Tadziu’ Norman then increases rhythmic variation and adds new melodic elements to create a more trip-hop-like sound, and all together these ingredients compose a unique whole. That’s a very tasty piece of acoustic electronica!

In the archive you can also find Norman’s photos and biography and hi-res version of cover artwork made by Norwegian painter Mathias Faane.

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