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[FbL013] Bernadette Erikka - Lie With Care

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases

DOWNLOAD HERE: http://feedbacklooplabel.blogspot.com/2011/04/fbl013-bernadette-erikka-lie-with-care.html

“Lie with care” is far away from being a mere “short EP” as the artist humbly says – the total length of the 5 tracks (more than 30 minutes), entitles it to be considered a full album, with its own, clear and strong personality. This is the first adjective I had while listening to the first track of the EP: personality.

Bernadette’s style, far away from being labeled as “common” or “mainstream”, consists, at a first glimpse, in a restless stream of piano notes, that keep falling like water drops in the ocean, during a heavy rainy day.

Fabrizio Paterlini

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