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[FbL014] Savaran - Resonances

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases

DOWNLOAD HERE: http://feedbacklooplabel.blogspot.com/2011/05/fbl014-savaran-resonances.html

Welsh electroacoustic artist Mark Walters aka Savaran comes to Feedbackloop with a five track EP 'Resonances' after a number of netlabel releases over the past year. Utilising both digital and analogue instrumentation with field recordings, samples and an array of effects, Mark develops refined micro-soundscapes, tightly knit into granular textures which demand an attentive ear. In Resonances he marks waypoints in the contours of his own life, describing personal experiences - memories of events and locations - and his own interests in history, astronomy and geology.

Resonances is deeply personal, born from historic and personal interest which reveals itself to be emotionally evocative and intriguing for the listener. By allowing us this intimate insight into these parts of himself, Mark achieves a brilliant expression of his own history, memory and self.

Michael Waring

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