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Is there a way to support artists I like?

novembre -1 modifié dans Dogmazic's life
I love dogmazic and the music on here, but there doesn't seem to be any way to support artists (by giving them money). Perhaps I am just silly and do not see a link somewhere, or is this deliberate?


  • Hello,

    There's no built-in feature on the site to allow to donate to artists. Some of them have a 'donate' link they added themselves in their project's description, but they are very few.
  • Thanks shangril that's good to know. I do tend to check the profile pages for artists I like. It's actually a nice way to do it, they can choose flattr/paypal or whatever they like themselves. I hope more artists include this.
  • personnally, I just contact them directly by mail from their Dogmazic page to donate, and if they don't answer I give to Dogmazic association (for servers and so on)

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