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Necktar 2017 volume 4 Release

novembre -1 modifié dans Releases
Necktar 2017
Theory / Fusion / Practical : Revelation
free download http://www.archive.org/download/Necktar2017Volume4/Necktar2017Volume4_vbr_mp3.zip

Fake trailer of the metacompilation

Internet Archive webpage

Le Colibri Nécrophile http://joindiaspora.com/u/colibrinecrophile
Earsheltering http://earsheltering.free.fr/
H.A.K. Lo-Fi Record http://h.a.k.free.fr/


Who has ever dreamed of knowing the future ?

Discover what is the future through
Necktar 2017


What is Necktar 2017 ?

A mere journey through time,
the great work of anachronistic alchemists,
the apiary of a network of precognitifs,
the magnetic murmur of a quantum flaw,
a vortex of antimatter annihilating all listeners' dogmas,
a dream above the Earth passing through the Unconscious,
a psychotropic meditation resetting the consciousness,
an early bud of the new era ...

The spectrum of possibilities has been further expanded.

Difficult to define Necktar 2017,
while the second cycle have just begun.

Currently it is a compilation
of hors norme (not normal) music for free sharing,
articulated in several thematic episodes and cycles.

For know what it will be ultimately,
unless we can travel through time,
it won't be until 2017.

The set of themes of volume 1 is
Real / Perception / Reality : Illusion.

The set of themes of volume 2 is
Random / Perception / Cycles : Reproduction.

The set of themes of volume 3 is
Macro / Perception / Micro : Evolution.

The set of themes of volume 4 is
Theory / Fusion / Practical : Revelation.


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