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[album] Ghosts Are These ~ Glowing In The Sky And Burning

novembre -1 modifié dans C'est moi qui l'ai fait !
Salut tout le monde !

Je vous propose un album acoustique et électronique en libre téléchargement sur Dogmazic !

Ghosts Are These
Glowing In The Sky And Burning / The Dark Corner Beneath The Plumbs


All tracks written and produced by Ghosts Are These. Composition, vocals, lyrics, guitar and effects by Paul Hewing. Composition, programming, sound processing and engineering by Logan Dataspirit. Artwork by Reykjavik Grimmsson. Invaluable help from Kya (WUMM) and Carlos Blanca. Additional materials from the Freesound Project. This album is released under the Creative Commons License by-nc-sa.


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