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Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
(Berlin, December 13th-18th, 2012)
Seminar Agenda
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) is a network of individuals, who have an interest in exploring and strengthening relations between European States. The program is based on the recognition that the increasing economic and political integration of the European Union must be accompanied by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion and relations between individual member states, and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots level.
Individuals can join the CDE Forum by taking part in one of the CDE Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each CDE Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to Europe and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural activities.
The next CDE Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from December 13th-18th. In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the Seminar will provide perspectives on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts administration within the European context, and the current and future potential of re-building the European Identity and the Integration process.
Alongside the CDE, participants will attend the event: The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012 "Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace" (Berlin, December 13th - 16th).
Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe (CDE) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring the relation between European states
Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.
Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.
To apply please visit:
For more information please visit:
(Berlin, December 13th-18th, 2012)
Seminar Agenda
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) is a network of individuals, who have an interest in exploring and strengthening relations between European States. The program is based on the recognition that the increasing economic and political integration of the European Union must be accompanied by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion and relations between individual member states, and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots level.
Individuals can join the CDE Forum by taking part in one of the CDE Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each CDE Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to Europe and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural activities.
The next CDE Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from December 13th-18th. In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the Seminar will provide perspectives on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts administration within the European context, and the current and future potential of re-building the European Identity and the Integration process.
Alongside the CDE, participants will attend the event: The ICD Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy 2012 "Culture as an Emotion: the Magnetic Power of Arts & Music to Promote Democracy & Global Peace" (Berlin, December 13th - 16th).
Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe (CDE) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring the relation between European states
Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.
Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.
To apply please visit:
For more information please visit:
... robot ?
EDIT: Après un coup d’œil rapide, j’ai constaté que ma mémoire m’avait trompé d’erreur: aucune réponse, à part une réponse faite à lui-même pour compléter le machin. Que du copicollage.
Le Message donné par les Policiers
Premier livre de toute une série, à lire de préférence en premier. Il y a bien longtemps, tout le monde croyait que le feu n’était passé qu’à l’orange, et que le sens giratoire pouvait tourner dans les deux sens. Aujourd’hui tout le monde croit que la vitesse sur route est soit le résultat du pied sur la pédale, soit une offrande rituelle au Dieu Radar.
Mais un jour, les Policiers sont venus en chair et en os, et ont dicté à Ferdinand Raillefer une vérité incroyable : “Nous sommes Gardiens de la Paix”. À ces mots, Ferdinand Raillefer tombe à genoux et comprend qu’ils l’ont choisi comme prophète pour répandre sur la terre entière leur message de paix. C’est par leur nouvelle extraordinaire tombé du ciel pour toute l’humanité qu’il apprend l’existence du stationnement interdit et de la place réservée aux handicapés. Par un étrange pouvoir, les Policiers ont même accomplis sous ses yeux un prodige dont il se croyait seul capable : la disparition de sa voiture, et sa réapparition au milieu d’un immense entrepôt de véhicules. Et un autre prodige, dont il se croyait aussi le seul capable : ils l’ont délesté d’une partie des vaines fumées du matérialisme.
Dans “Le Message donné par les Policiers”, découvrez l’expérience bouleversante de Ferdinand Raillefer de séparation du corps des vaines fumées du matérialisme, telle qu’il l’a vécue dans cette expérience hors du commun.
Notez que “Le Message donné par les Policiers” réunit deux livres précédemment publiés sous les titres suivants : “Le livre qui dit des carabistouilles” et “Les Policiers m’ont emmené dans leur commissariat”.
Individuals can join the Radar conspiracy Forum by taking part in one of the Radar conspiracy Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each Radar conspiracy Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to Europe and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, conspiracies and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural conspiracies.
Warning: metamaterial and antimatter are two things very different, while metamaterial doesn't generate non-compliant metons.