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CC 4.0 : Brouillon 3

février 2013 modifié dans A propos des licences libres

Pour ceux que ça intéresse, CC Monde a publié le brouillon de la version 4.0 :

I'm pleased to announce that today we are publishing draft 3 of the 4.0

license suite.  This formally kicks off the third and final public comment


Blog post: http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/36713

Draft 3 discussion page:  http://wiki.creativecommons.org/4.0/Draft_3

All six licenses:  http://tinyurl.com/coe2ftr

We have a number of issues queued for discussion.  Starting this coming

Tuesday, we will be posting to this list topics prepared for discussion and

on which we'd especially like your feedback.  The topics are summarized on

the main discussion page <http://tinyurl.com/coe2ftr> and detailed on the

individual wiki pages.  Here are those that we have already prepared and

that will start landing in your inboxes next week:

   - Attribution<http://wiki.creativecommons.org/4.0/Attribution_and_marking>:

    indicating modifications; link backs

   - ShareAlike


      - expanding compatibility mechanism to BY-NC-SA

      - mechanism for 1-way compatibility (e.g., to GPLv3 from BY-SA)

      - compatibility criteria and process

   - Licensing of


and BY-NC)

   - License interpretation<http://wiki.creativecommons.org/4.0/Internationalization>

(see the Draft 3 treatment boxes on each of those pages for more details.)

For enthusiasts, we encourage you to review the licenses and start

considering those topics now.  Please watch for our posts and share your

thoughts in reply.

We owe all of you a debt of gratitude for your patience.  All of us at CC

are really excited about how the licenses are shaping up, and look forward

to a successful, final discussion period.
N'hésitez pas à en discuter ici même, on essaiera de relayer vos interrogations ultérieurement :)


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