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Dogmazic v4 - Tutorial Post

mai 2015 modifié dans Dogmazic's life

1- To upload one or many tracks on Dogmazic v4

Before upload : Check metadatas on the file cause some of them will be used.

11 - Preface

Album's creation When you will upload a track, you will create an album for him or pick an present one in a scroll-down menu.
You can't create album or artist without upload a track to go with. So no album or artist can exist without at least a track. If you creat an album or an artist, all others informations about it will be add later (story, pics or icons for exemple).

12 - Sign In

In the panel on the left, section :
Browse Music In the end of the list there is Upload who will allow you to send your tracks.
InformationIn the end of the list there is Uploads who will display all tracks, albums and artists register by you. It's here that you can modify them (story, pics or icons for exemple).
Click on the browse button to enter the file's name of the track you want to upload (or drag'n drop it on the field).

121- Upload one or multiples tracks

In the panel on the left, section : Browse Music, click on Upload
In the displayed form, enter :
The artist or band name (if it's a new one, modify the "add new..." field)
The album (if it's a new one, modify the "add new..." field)
The licence
Click on the browse button to enter the file's name of the track you want to upload (or drag'n drop it on the field).If you want to upload more tracks FROM THE SAME ALBUM and FROM THE SAME ARTIST, click again on the browse button...
One loading bar per tracks displays the upload's status. Once it's complete, a green notch appeares. Click on it to clear the area and valid the upload. When all tracks are done you can complete entries (modify some title/album/artist).

122 - Modify a title, an album or an artist

In the panel on the left, section : Information, click on Uploads
It will display a list with all tracks you uploaded and every album and artists you created. When you've just upload tracks or create album and artist, the way to add informations to them is the same that the way to "modify" infos.
1221 - Modify a title
On the right of the line of a title, click on the edit icon (gearwheel), it will display the entry's form.
1222 - Modify an album
In the track's list, find one track who is in an album, then click on the album's name to display the album's page. Once you're in,

on the left, in the "Actions"'s column, click on "Edit Album" to change his informations.

To modify the album's picture (or to add one if it aren't one), pass over the picture and in the bottom of it you can now click on the "Edit/Find Art" button (gearwheel). The displayed form will show pictures picked on the internet. In the bottom, choose "Local Image", then browse and load your pic.

1223 - Modify an artist

In the track's list, find one track made by the artist you want to modify, click on the artist's name to display the artist's page. Once you're in, on the left, in the "Actions"'s column, click on "Edit Artist" to change his informations.
To modify the artist's picture (or to add one if it aren't one), pass over the picture and in the bottom of it you can now click on the "Edit/Find Art" button (gearwheel). The displayed form will show pictures picked on the internet. In the bottom, choose "Local Image", then browse and load your pic.

123 - Add tracks to an existing album/artist

In the panel on the left, section : Information, click on Uploads. It will display a list with all tracks you uploaded and every album and artists you created.
1231 - Add tracks to an album
Go to the "Album" section of the page and click on the album's icon you want -> it will display the album's page
In the Actions's column in the left, click on Upload. Artist's field and Album's field are now pre-filled, you just need to enter the licence of the track and proceed like theUploading section in 121.
1232 - Add tracks to an artist
Go to the "Artist" section of the page and click on the artist's icon you want -> it will display the artist's page
In the Actions's column in the left, click on Upload. Artist's field is now pre-filled, you just need to seclect an album (or create one if there aren't any) and enter the licence of the track and proceed like theUploading section in 121.
Notes :
If you delete all tracks of an album, it will delete the album.
If you delete all tracks of an artist, it will delete the artist.


  • 2 - How to create a playlist

    To create a playlist, you have to choose and store tracks into a temporary playlist, displayed on the right. Then, when you've choosed all your tracks you just have to save the playlist.
    You can create a playlist without signing in but you will not being able to save it.

    21 - Sign in

    211 - Create a playlist

    On the left panel, in the section : Browse MusicChoose some songs, albums or artists to display some tracks. When you pass over a song, the Song Title's column should show two icons on the right of the song'sname :
    (music note with a "+") : add to temporary playlist
    (sheet with a "+") : add to existing playlist. To use that icon, you must have created at least one playlist.
    Click on (music note with a "+") and the track should appears in a column on the right of the screen. You still can navigate from tracks to albums to artists, the playlist on the right will stay, to add new songs on it you just have to click on (music note with a "+"), and tracks will go in the playlist. ....Warning...., if you click multiple times on the same track, it will be store equally in the playlist.
    This playlist column has also an (sheet with a "+") icon.By passing over this icon, a pop-up list will open with the choice Add to new playlist. Your saved playlists will be display under un the pop-up list.
    By clicking on the line Add to New Playlista message will be display on the bottom of the screen, Added to playlist : the playlist is now added to the Dogmazic playlists, his name is your nickname+date+time and it's a private playlist, you can change informations about the playlist in the Playlists section. ....Warning.... If you click multiple times on Add to New Playlist, it will create as much playlists as you clicked.
    After, you will not see your playlist added to the pop-up list if you pass over the (sheet with a "+") icon.

    212 - Modify playlist's properties

    On the left of the screen, under the section Browse Musicchoose now Playlists to display every public existing playlists on Dogmazic, and your privates playlists.To find the new one, organize playlists by titles, by clicking on Playlist Name and search your nickname.
    Once you've find it, you can click on the Edit icon (gearwheel) on the right of the line. It will display a dialog box allowing you to edit the playlist's name and its status (private or public).

    213 - Delete the playlist column on the right

    Click on the cross on the right of every tracks in the column. The panel will disappear once it will be empty.....Warning.... This action will permanently erase the temporary playlist !

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